Charcoal Guru

Charcoal Guru

Our goal is to combine traditional live-fire cooking with modern research and drying methods to deliver the best cooking fuel.  But what makes the best, the best?
Some might demand quick heat, searing food in seconds to seal in the flavours, caramelise the natural sugars or bake an artisan pizza in a matter of minutes...

Others might need a slower, smokier charcoal, perfect for a unique dish enjoyed at home or in your favourite restaurant. The one thing they all have in common is a need for the best charcoal, that’s where we step in with a range of specially-sourced live-fire and BBQ charcoals to suit everyone.

From garden gourmets to fine-diners, welcome to the home of live-fire cooking!

Charcoal guru Marabu charcoal
Charcoal guru Holm Oak
Charcoal guru Marabu charcoal
Charcoal guru Holm Oak

With nothing added just the highest quality charcoals "Welcome to the home of live-fire cooking"


From the finest fires, to artisan flavours that everyone will remember, the best kiln dried logs are the secret. The right one is the one you want to use again and again.